Week one was such a success that I had my doubts about week two. I wanted a verse that the kids could relate to and also one that would be easy to explain, which is my doubt stepping all over me again. I am stepping out of my comfort zone tip toeing but at least I am stepping, right?! Anyways, I chose a verse that I use for my Scentsy business. I put it on all of my light bulb flyers and try to live by it whether I am working, driving a bus or shopping at Wal-Mart and we all know that we need Jesus with us to make it through Wal-Mart!! I could hardly wait to get on the bus that afternoon and put the new verse reference on the mirror. The kids couldn't wait either. They had bugged me the whole prior week saying, "Mrs. Sutton when are you going to change the verse? We are ready for a new verse Mrs. Sutton. How many more days Mrs. Sutton?" I told them I was giving them a week to ponder on the first one and to learn it by heart and then we would move on to the next one. So I couldn't wait to see who noticed that I changed it and if I would get the same reaction.
Here they came, running instead of walking, as usual. Why is that? Why do kids have to run everywhere they go?! Teachers yelling, "STOP RUNNING!" and the whole time they just keep on running like there is no tomorrow. I just wish I had an ounce of their energy. Anyways, back to the story. They all hopped on the bus ready for the hot and stinky ride home. I didn't say a word and just watched them jumping on the seats, raising the windows up and down, hitting their siblings, pulling their homework out to show others, eating snacks left from lunch (which is a no no on the bus) and then they saw it. "Mrs. Sutton put a new verse on the mirror" little Caden shouted! "What is it, Mrs. Sutton" he asked?
By this time, the buses were ready to pull out. Bus 49 came over the radio, "We're all in Mrs. Sissy". Sissy replied, "Everybody have a safe trip and let's go number one". This is our everyday routine and then we all file out, buses one through fifty, each bus last in the row honking for the next row to head out. This is quite a site from what my mom tells me. She always picks up my boys from school and gets to the Elementary about the time we are pulling out. She said one day they just watched in amazement as each bus pulled out, while the others rows waited patiently on their signaling honk to go. It is definitely a sort of organized chaos! However, on this day, I didn't see the other buses. I did not hear the chaos of all of the chatter on the radio about missing kids or kids getting on the wrong bus. I just heard the small little voice behind me longing to know more about the verse on the mirror. My heart was crying out to God, thanking Him for another opportunity to serve Him and to show love to this child. I told him that we would wait for the others to get on the bus so that we could talk about it together.
The other campuses were loaded and the two boys that sit behind me noticed that I changed the verse as well. Immediately, they got the Bible and read the verse out loud. I asked if they knew what the verse meant and what the "light" was referring to in the verse. They could not figure it out so I preceded to tell them who the Light was and what it meant to not hide it. They began telling me where they go to church and that they learn Bible verses at church but somehow these children didn't know what the Light was. I was so glad I got to tell them. At the end of the route, the same little girls came up to the front and picked up the Bible and read the verse. They also, did not really understand it so again I was able to talk to them and try my very best to explain the Light. The girls decided to go to the back and have their brother look up the verse from last week so they could read it again.
The week was great and much like the first. However, I did get a chance to also hand out invitations to an Easter egg hunt we were having at our church. The kids all smiled and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Sutton"! It was like I had given them a big present or something. It was just me extending an invitation that was pre-printed at our church but the kids were overwhelmed with excitement that I would actually want them to come to something. Had I really been that distant and unloving over the past four years? Had I not been concerned about them at all? Had I not even given one bit of positive attention to these Jesus hungry children? How many opportunities had I missed to share Jesus and how can I ever make up for all of the lost time?
This week was very humbling and very eye opening to the daily rut of poor pitiful me that I had let take over my life. I had missed opportunity after opportunity to love these children, care for these children, give attention to these children and most of all to be a light for the Lord. All I could do was ask the Lord for His forgiveness and for Him to help me be a better servant for Him. I know that I am not the only one that gets caught up in "woe is me". It took me four years to realize it but God was still there and willing to show me the way. Don't be afraid to get out of your rut and trust Him fully. God has great plans for you! Take it from the doubtful school bus driver that didn't think a simple verse could change her whole outlook on life and going from hating my job to being excited to drive a school bus. Trust Him today, move forward and don't ever look back. Great things are ahead!
Can't wait to see what is store for week 3!
Now no one after lighting a lamp covers it over with a container, or puts it under a bed; but he puts it on a lamp stand, so that those who come in may see the light. Luke 8:16
Love reading your story!! Keep it up!! What's so wonderful is that we all have a story to write, it just our choice whether we write it walking with Him or not!! Thank you for setting an example of walking with Him, for getting out of your comfort zone even if it is baby steps at a time! Just keep your eyes focussed on Him! Walking on water with Him is truly an experience like no other!