It takes 50+ buses on a daily basis to lug, tote, carry, and deliver HISD's most prized possessions safely, unharmed, and on time to school each day. Then we do it all again at the buzzing of the 3:20 bell. We gather before 7:00 each morning and reassemble again promptly for another round of the yelling, screaming, laughing, game playing, tattle telling, and making memories school bus time at the sound of the afternoon bells. Why do we do it? Good question. We all have OUR reasons, I suppose. However, what I do know is that we are all here for HIS reason. Each and every one of us for each and every route that runs throughout this town. We go near and we go far. We go here and we go there. We pretty much go everywhere! So who are we?
For those of you that are not school bus drivers, never driven a school bus or maybe never even been on a school bus, I want to start out this year by giving you a look into the rare, bizarre, interesting, hair pulling, blood boiling, crazy life of school bus drivers. You see it takes all kinds to drive a school bus and do what we do. We have short ones, tall ones, skinny ones and plump ones. We have silly ones, serious ones, mean ones and friendly ones. We also have teachers, coaches, maintenance workers, mechanics, mommies, daddies, and lots of other ones. We have short tempered ones, patient ones, sssllllloooowww ones and the get out of my way ones. But most of all we just have great ones! However, once in a lifetime someone really special comes along and they become ONE OF A KIND. It's the one of a kind that will touch your life forever. They will open your eyes to things unseen. They will leave a lasting impression in your life forever. They will be remembered for all the wonderful things they have done. They will touch your heart. They will make you want to be more. They will leave a legacy!
This summer HISD's transportation lost OUR one of a kind. After a long struggle with cancer, we lost one of OUR most prized possessions. If you had a kid that rode the bus, they knew him, loved him or maybe were even scared of him! He knew every route backwards and forwards. He knew every rule by heart and NEVER let anyone break them. He would do anything for you. He loved each and every kid that stepped on his bus. He had a huge heart. He loved the Lord. Every lady was his, "Babe", except for one and she was his, "Kisser"! And he owned the radio. We all knew when he was on the bus and ready to go. He had nicknames for most and oh, how I loved to hear him call for "Honey Bear"! And each and every morning at the top of the hour it never failed...he always piped in with, "Top of the morning to ya, Mr. Turner". The mornings will never be the same. We will always remember at 7:00 each morning that we are missing a very special one.
Steve Howard, you are missed. HISD's school buses will never be the same. You were ONE OF A KIND and no one will be able to replace your loving, smiling, caring face. May this school year be dedicated to you and may we all strive to be the best that we can be, no matter the task at hand.
His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’
Matthew 25:20-22

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