So the kids haven't seen me all week because school was out on Monday. Today was my first day to drive and I was feeling pretty silly on this beautiful day! So I decided to give each kid a, "Whaaazzz up?" as they came on the bus. Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine me saying that 60 or so times to 60 or so different kids!!!!! It got funnier each time and the kids were LOVING it! For the most part I got about 60 or so, "Whaaazzz up?" back. Great start to a long week for me.
I had my Diet DP from Mickey D's, my Scentsy Diva shirt on, trash all over the bus (from the game last night) and a sassy attitude! "Let's get this thing started", I shouted out and off we went. Picked up all the campuses, wind blowing our hair, and up on two wheels out on to 450 headed home (not really but it sounded good)! We got about 100 feet from the school and two boys started beating up another little kid but all else seemed to be going good. I yelled. They stopped. They started again. I yelled. They stopped. This went on for a while until I got tired of yelling. They weren't ruining my day though:) I couldn't pull the bus over on I-20 so I decided to stop on the Loop instead. So I just watched as they kept on but my spirits were high.
Finally got to the Loop and I pulled over. They had no idea what was coming. I slowly got up from my seat with my Scentsy Diva self and walked to their seat, leaned over as close as I could and shouted, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOY?" with a drill sergeant voice. Those eyes got so wide and they sat straight up in that seat right quick. "WHY ARE YOU HITTING THAT BOY?", I shouted. "ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO PUT YOUR HANDS ON SOMEONE ELSE?" "No ma'am", they replied with fear in their voices. "THEN I BETTER NOT SEE IT HAPPEN AGAIN"! Total silence fell over the bus. I quietly turned around and walked slowly back to my seat, put my blinker on and got back on my merry way. Looked in my mirror and started a conversation with the kids behind me like nothing happened. It was great. Man that felt good. My blood pressure didn't even go up :) So great to have God on my side helping me through times like that.
Finally got all of the kids dropped off on my first two stops after having to write those two little boys up and started heading to my last stop. All the kids came to the front and I told them it seemed like forever since I had seen them. They said, "We miss you Mrs. Sutton and the other driver takes forever and pulls over anytime someone stands up". I said, "Whatever". They just went on and on about missing me and as they got off the bus, I looked up and one of the boys was waving goodbye to me! That would not be a big deal to me if it had of been a little kid but we are talking about junior high here. He has never waved at me before. So I guess maybe, they really do miss me. And maybe just maybe, I am shining a little bit of God's light. It made my day!
So I say all this to say, don't take everything so serious. Lighten up a little. Enjoy life. And do everything you do to the Glory of the Lord because He made you! He is counting on us to be those special people to brighten up someone else's day. So no matter what you are doing or have gotten yourself into, make the best of it and live this life for Him and only Him. Peace out!
He who loves purity of heart and whose speech is gracious, the king is his friend. Proverbs 22:11
Friday, October 21, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Time... Where does it go?
I hate to disappoint my loyal Bible on the Bus readers but this blog is not totally devoted to what has been going on, on bus 7 from Heaven, but more of what God has laid on my heart to talk about and deal with over the past few weeks. So I hope I don't turn you away or let you down but to maybe lift you up or meet you in the same place where I find myself today...
Time is of essence to all of us. What do we do with it? Where do we spend it? How do we spend it? And with whom do we spend it? Is it spent wisely or foolishly? Do we miss it when it's gone? What would we do with it if we could get it back? Powerful questions and with good reason. God gives us one life and we are to choose wisely how we spend it and what we do with it. He created us for one reason and that is to spread the Good News with others. Knowing all that, somehow I still choose to take the long way around or the way that is harder. Not sure why, but I do.
Since I started nursing school a few weeks ago, this thing called time, has been lost. I am not sure where it goes but it always seems to get away from me. No matter how I try to capture it, it is always just a fingertip away from my grasp. I rise with our chickens and fall asleep well after dark but that doesn't seem to matter. Time just keeps slipping away and what have I really accomplished at the end of the day? Not to much that really mattered, unfortunately.
Time is given to me each day to spend wisely. I try, I mean I REALLY try to do my very best to spend those 24 hours wisely but I fail miserably each and every day. Over the past few weeks, I have lost touch with the kids on my bus because I am only driving two afternoons. I really don't even try to get to know them. I just drive as fast as I can to get them off the bus so that I can get home and try to catch up on what I didn't get done while I was gone at school all day. I have not even changed the Bible verse on the mirror for the past several weeks. It still has Jeremiah 29:11 written on it. I have fallen down on my responsibilities at home and am relying on others to do what I should be doing. I have missed opportunity after opportunity to love on my boys that I will never get back. I have also missed so much needed time with my husband while my head was in my books studying instead. I hate to say it, but I have not even been reading my Bible each morning to start my day. Why you ask? Because I don't have time or so that is my excuse. I have filled every waking moment with studying for a career that I am not even sure that God has called me too.
So is it worth it? Is going to school really worth giving up everything else? Is it worth missing time with my husband and boys? Is it worth falling down on my responsibilities at home? Is it worth missing time with the Lord? Well, that's what everyone tells me. They say, "It's only two years, Linna"! "It will be worth it when you're done". Really? Will it? I will never get these two years of my life back, in return for a career, a very good career of taking care of others. Well, each and every day has been a struggle for me because of all of these questions and things that run through my mind. It is a struggle for me each and every day to make myself go to class and spend the time that I can never recapture. I pray that I am spending my time wisely and that I will not forsake the things that are really important. I pray that I will find a balance. I pray that God will forgive me if I have stepped outside of His will for my life...
Even as I write this, I have lost another hour. I hope that it was not in vain. I hope that someone can use it to find peace or realize how precious each minute is and to spend it with someone they love. I hope that God will use this to open my eyes to the things unseen and to remind me of the precious gifts He has already given me. I hope that He is not disappointed in me if I did step off His path and if I did, I hope that my pride won't get in the way of allowing me to do His will.
Life isn't always grand and I can't always sugar coat this blog with how great everything is. Sometimes life is tough and this is just the real me trying to deal with the cards at hand. I don't always have the right things to say or the right answers. I am just little old me trying to do the best I can with the time I have been given. Don't lose anymore of your time! Go spend it with those that matter most :)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Time is of essence to all of us. What do we do with it? Where do we spend it? How do we spend it? And with whom do we spend it? Is it spent wisely or foolishly? Do we miss it when it's gone? What would we do with it if we could get it back? Powerful questions and with good reason. God gives us one life and we are to choose wisely how we spend it and what we do with it. He created us for one reason and that is to spread the Good News with others. Knowing all that, somehow I still choose to take the long way around or the way that is harder. Not sure why, but I do.
Since I started nursing school a few weeks ago, this thing called time, has been lost. I am not sure where it goes but it always seems to get away from me. No matter how I try to capture it, it is always just a fingertip away from my grasp. I rise with our chickens and fall asleep well after dark but that doesn't seem to matter. Time just keeps slipping away and what have I really accomplished at the end of the day? Not to much that really mattered, unfortunately.
Time is given to me each day to spend wisely. I try, I mean I REALLY try to do my very best to spend those 24 hours wisely but I fail miserably each and every day. Over the past few weeks, I have lost touch with the kids on my bus because I am only driving two afternoons. I really don't even try to get to know them. I just drive as fast as I can to get them off the bus so that I can get home and try to catch up on what I didn't get done while I was gone at school all day. I have not even changed the Bible verse on the mirror for the past several weeks. It still has Jeremiah 29:11 written on it. I have fallen down on my responsibilities at home and am relying on others to do what I should be doing. I have missed opportunity after opportunity to love on my boys that I will never get back. I have also missed so much needed time with my husband while my head was in my books studying instead. I hate to say it, but I have not even been reading my Bible each morning to start my day. Why you ask? Because I don't have time or so that is my excuse. I have filled every waking moment with studying for a career that I am not even sure that God has called me too.
So is it worth it? Is going to school really worth giving up everything else? Is it worth missing time with my husband and boys? Is it worth falling down on my responsibilities at home? Is it worth missing time with the Lord? Well, that's what everyone tells me. They say, "It's only two years, Linna"! "It will be worth it when you're done". Really? Will it? I will never get these two years of my life back, in return for a career, a very good career of taking care of others. Well, each and every day has been a struggle for me because of all of these questions and things that run through my mind. It is a struggle for me each and every day to make myself go to class and spend the time that I can never recapture. I pray that I am spending my time wisely and that I will not forsake the things that are really important. I pray that I will find a balance. I pray that God will forgive me if I have stepped outside of His will for my life...
Even as I write this, I have lost another hour. I hope that it was not in vain. I hope that someone can use it to find peace or realize how precious each minute is and to spend it with someone they love. I hope that God will use this to open my eyes to the things unseen and to remind me of the precious gifts He has already given me. I hope that He is not disappointed in me if I did step off His path and if I did, I hope that my pride won't get in the way of allowing me to do His will.
Life isn't always grand and I can't always sugar coat this blog with how great everything is. Sometimes life is tough and this is just the real me trying to deal with the cards at hand. I don't always have the right things to say or the right answers. I am just little old me trying to do the best I can with the time I have been given. Don't lose anymore of your time! Go spend it with those that matter most :)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Oh Summer, O Summer! Where Art Thou, O Summer?
Swimming pools, bowling days, beaches, hotels, sleeping late, sleepovers, being lazy....oh, how we dearly miss you. You were here for what seems like a flash and now gone for nine months. What shall we do without you?? We grew to love you and are very much attached to you. How will we ever readjust to getting up before you rise and going to sleep shortly after you set? We made so many memories together this year that we shall never forgot, oh summer! May the memories get us through until next time we meet!
For whatever reason, this was the fastest summer I can remember!! Could it be dreading getting up early, or maybe dreading the everyday hustle and bustle of Hallsville school traffic, or maybe knowing the HUGE responsibility I have before me with nursing school and balancing family life, or maybe just maybe it was dreading driving a school bus in 108 degree weather! Yep, I believe that is the winner!! The first day of school and Mr. Weatherman says the high is 108 degrees. I couldn't believe it. Seriously??!! Not only was it my kids first day back at school, it was my first day for nursing school. So on top of leaving my babies amongst 700 other kids on their campus and me stepping into an unknown domain, I was going to be driving a school bus in 108 degree weather. What the heck??!! I am definitely a crazy woman and not afraid to admit it. Why do I do it? I have no idea :) I use to have a reason but now it's just because I'm crazy :)
Well, the first week went pretty good but I only had to drive three days. My school schedule doesn't allow me to drive every afternoon this semester, which is nice ;) So I only had to endure the EXTREME weather and those wild little monsters for three days instead of five. Oh, and to top off the heat, I had a new stop added to my route this year. DD's Daycare. So guess what that means....more wild little monsters! Now my route has close to seventy kids instead of fifty. What else could a girl ask for, right?!
I was not prepared for the bus load I got this year, but I was prepared to share Jesus!!! Amidst all the heat, my first day of school, and school traffic I did not forget my purpose. I was prepared with my verse and Bible when I got on that bus. I posted my verse on the mirror (Philippians 4:13) and placed the Bible on the dash. Lookout kiddos, here comes bus 7 from Heaven!! I pulled out and parked and waited for the little rugrats to pile on. I got lots of sweaty hugs and stories of summer but the heat just about did me in. However, Wednesday's route was not near as successful. I had one kid spitting on other kids and one stabbed another one with a unsharpened pencil!!!! I thought I was going to pull my hair out.
I came home and told Jason that I didn't think I could handle the stress of nursing school and then the stress of driving 70+ kids around in the heat. He is so sweet and supportive and always is behind me 100%. I went in on Friday planning to give a two week notice after my route. I told myself that I would give it another afternoon. It was SO hot and the kids just kept piling on. I had some sitting four to a seat. I prayed, "Please Lord let this route go better than Wednesday!" I made it to the apartments without any major catastrophes and as one of my high school kids got off he said, " Uh, Mrs. Sutton, uh, I love ya". What?! Seriously?! This boy has been riding with me since he was in 5th grade. I can't count on two hands how many times he has been written up but he always seems to bring a smile to my face. I could not believe my ears. And I don't care if he was kidding, the words still came out of his mouth! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, one of my other kids that has been riding with me all these years, stopped and hugged my neck. He said, "Bye Mrs. Sutton. I missed you this summer." WOW. Totally made my week.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, two GREAT things happened. The sweat rolling down my legs didn't even bother me anymore. All the stress just seemed to float away, at least for that afternoon :) Each day always brings new challenges and surprises. God is like that. He waits until we just can't take it anymore and then He pops in and shows us His greatness. Three words and a hug is all it took for me. Great things come in small packages, right?! A little bit of Jesus shining through the darkness, stress and the craziness of this life are definitely enough to keep me going. So I challenge you, be that small thing for someone this week. Give them a quick pick me up note, or offer to help them out with a small task that has been weighing on their shoulders, or try this one on for size...pick up the phone and actually call someone to say, "Hi", instead of texting :) It's the small things that add up to the big things that make it all worth while!
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
For whatever reason, this was the fastest summer I can remember!! Could it be dreading getting up early, or maybe dreading the everyday hustle and bustle of Hallsville school traffic, or maybe knowing the HUGE responsibility I have before me with nursing school and balancing family life, or maybe just maybe it was dreading driving a school bus in 108 degree weather! Yep, I believe that is the winner!! The first day of school and Mr. Weatherman says the high is 108 degrees. I couldn't believe it. Seriously??!! Not only was it my kids first day back at school, it was my first day for nursing school. So on top of leaving my babies amongst 700 other kids on their campus and me stepping into an unknown domain, I was going to be driving a school bus in 108 degree weather. What the heck??!! I am definitely a crazy woman and not afraid to admit it. Why do I do it? I have no idea :) I use to have a reason but now it's just because I'm crazy :)
Well, the first week went pretty good but I only had to drive three days. My school schedule doesn't allow me to drive every afternoon this semester, which is nice ;) So I only had to endure the EXTREME weather and those wild little monsters for three days instead of five. Oh, and to top off the heat, I had a new stop added to my route this year. DD's Daycare. So guess what that means....more wild little monsters! Now my route has close to seventy kids instead of fifty. What else could a girl ask for, right?!
I was not prepared for the bus load I got this year, but I was prepared to share Jesus!!! Amidst all the heat, my first day of school, and school traffic I did not forget my purpose. I was prepared with my verse and Bible when I got on that bus. I posted my verse on the mirror (Philippians 4:13) and placed the Bible on the dash. Lookout kiddos, here comes bus 7 from Heaven!! I pulled out and parked and waited for the little rugrats to pile on. I got lots of sweaty hugs and stories of summer but the heat just about did me in. However, Wednesday's route was not near as successful. I had one kid spitting on other kids and one stabbed another one with a unsharpened pencil!!!! I thought I was going to pull my hair out.
I came home and told Jason that I didn't think I could handle the stress of nursing school and then the stress of driving 70+ kids around in the heat. He is so sweet and supportive and always is behind me 100%. I went in on Friday planning to give a two week notice after my route. I told myself that I would give it another afternoon. It was SO hot and the kids just kept piling on. I had some sitting four to a seat. I prayed, "Please Lord let this route go better than Wednesday!" I made it to the apartments without any major catastrophes and as one of my high school kids got off he said, " Uh, Mrs. Sutton, uh, I love ya". What?! Seriously?! This boy has been riding with me since he was in 5th grade. I can't count on two hands how many times he has been written up but he always seems to bring a smile to my face. I could not believe my ears. And I don't care if he was kidding, the words still came out of his mouth! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, one of my other kids that has been riding with me all these years, stopped and hugged my neck. He said, "Bye Mrs. Sutton. I missed you this summer." WOW. Totally made my week.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, two GREAT things happened. The sweat rolling down my legs didn't even bother me anymore. All the stress just seemed to float away, at least for that afternoon :) Each day always brings new challenges and surprises. God is like that. He waits until we just can't take it anymore and then He pops in and shows us His greatness. Three words and a hug is all it took for me. Great things come in small packages, right?! A little bit of Jesus shining through the darkness, stress and the craziness of this life are definitely enough to keep me going. So I challenge you, be that small thing for someone this week. Give them a quick pick me up note, or offer to help them out with a small task that has been weighing on their shoulders, or try this one on for size...pick up the phone and actually call someone to say, "Hi", instead of texting :) It's the small things that add up to the big things that make it all worth while!
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Friday, August 26, 2011
Top of the Morning to ya Mr. Turner!
It takes 50+ buses on a daily basis to lug, tote, carry, and deliver HISD's most prized possessions safely, unharmed, and on time to school each day. Then we do it all again at the buzzing of the 3:20 bell. We gather before 7:00 each morning and reassemble again promptly for another round of the yelling, screaming, laughing, game playing, tattle telling, and making memories school bus time at the sound of the afternoon bells. Why do we do it? Good question. We all have OUR reasons, I suppose. However, what I do know is that we are all here for HIS reason. Each and every one of us for each and every route that runs throughout this town. We go near and we go far. We go here and we go there. We pretty much go everywhere! So who are we?
For those of you that are not school bus drivers, never driven a school bus or maybe never even been on a school bus, I want to start out this year by giving you a look into the rare, bizarre, interesting, hair pulling, blood boiling, crazy life of school bus drivers. You see it takes all kinds to drive a school bus and do what we do. We have short ones, tall ones, skinny ones and plump ones. We have silly ones, serious ones, mean ones and friendly ones. We also have teachers, coaches, maintenance workers, mechanics, mommies, daddies, and lots of other ones. We have short tempered ones, patient ones, sssllllloooowww ones and the get out of my way ones. But most of all we just have great ones! However, once in a lifetime someone really special comes along and they become ONE OF A KIND. It's the one of a kind that will touch your life forever. They will open your eyes to things unseen. They will leave a lasting impression in your life forever. They will be remembered for all the wonderful things they have done. They will touch your heart. They will make you want to be more. They will leave a legacy!
This summer HISD's transportation lost OUR one of a kind. After a long struggle with cancer, we lost one of OUR most prized possessions. If you had a kid that rode the bus, they knew him, loved him or maybe were even scared of him! He knew every route backwards and forwards. He knew every rule by heart and NEVER let anyone break them. He would do anything for you. He loved each and every kid that stepped on his bus. He had a huge heart. He loved the Lord. Every lady was his, "Babe", except for one and she was his, "Kisser"! And he owned the radio. We all knew when he was on the bus and ready to go. He had nicknames for most and oh, how I loved to hear him call for "Honey Bear"! And each and every morning at the top of the hour it never failed...he always piped in with, "Top of the morning to ya, Mr. Turner". The mornings will never be the same. We will always remember at 7:00 each morning that we are missing a very special one.
Steve Howard, you are missed. HISD's school buses will never be the same. You were ONE OF A KIND and no one will be able to replace your loving, smiling, caring face. May this school year be dedicated to you and may we all strive to be the best that we can be, no matter the task at hand.
His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’
Matthew 25:20-22

Monday, June 20, 2011
Answered Prayer
It was eight years ago that we moved from Hallsville to Marshall to live behind my parents on 100 beautiful acres. I grew up playing, fishing, riding go-carts and hunting on this land. Even though I only lived here until I was three, it was always home to me. Jason and I started out our marriage here in 1995 but ventured away from Marshall on two different occasions. Somehow, we always end up right back where we started.
We knew when we moved from Hallsville in 2003 that we would have to figure out a way for our kids to go to Hallsville schools. Marshall schools were not an option for us. We had decided that we would either put the boys in private school or home school before we sent them to Marshall. We found out a couple of years later that if one of us worked at Hallsville, our boys could go to school there. So, that is where our search for jobs at HISD began!
Jason and I both worked at Texas Bank & Trust in the Technology department. It was a little crazy working together but we loved it. We decided that Jason would be the one to seek employment at HISD since I had been with the bank for 8 years. He got his CDL and two weeks before Edison started Kindergarten, he got a job as a bus driver! We didn't care at that point because we had just secured Edison a spot at HISD. We were so excited. It wasn't too much longer after that, that I got a job as the high school registrar. Jason was offered a full time position as a Behavior Assistant at the high school within the month of school starting. We both loved it. Life was grand! Broke, but grand! We had cut our salaries in half to go to work for the school but being on the kids schedules and having them at Hallsville was worth it to us.
We have had some changes since then, as most of you know. Financially we had to make some changes so that I could stay at home. Jason became a fireman/paramedic and I quit to stay home with Jamison the year before he started Kindergarten and I had to drive a part time bus route to keep the boys in school. During this time, the bus route became so stressful that I didn't think I would be able to do it any longer. I decided to go back to school to become a nurse and knew that eventually I would no longer be able to drive my route. We prayed almost everyday for God to give us some direction and let us know what to do about our boys' education. This went on for 8 years altogether! There was not a day that went by that we didn't talk about it, pray about it or just get angry about it.
When Jason went through a really rough time at MFD, the school called him and offered him a job as a Behavior Assistant again. He accepted the job and was back at the school. We thought our boys' education was secure again. But, low and behold, our schools financial situation through us for a loop. They could not guarantee Jason a job for the 11-12 school year and I had been accepted to nursing school for the fall. Here we were will we keep the boys in Hallsville?! I was so sick and tired of worrying about it because of where we lived! I didn't want to talk about it or pray about it anymore. I just wanted an answer from God. Where was He? What was taking so long? Isn't 8 years of praying long enough???!
May 19th we got an answer! For the first time in history our school board decided to take out of district transfers! I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD HAPPEN! I cried as Jason read me the letter from Paula Rogers. They had decided to take transfers to help the school out financially. WOW! Who would of thought that something good could come out of our school's financial problems. Some of you may not think it is not good but for the Sutton house, we are ecstatic. This was an answer to an 8 year long prayer. I finally have peace and assurance for my boys' education and will never have to worry about it again. I will be able to fulfill a life long dream of becoming a nurse and if my husband's job is terminated because of our school's money woes, our children will not have to be uprooted from all they know.
I write all of this to let you know that God does answer prayers. It is in His time and it is perfect! Don't give up. Don't stop praying. He will give you an answer. It may not be what you wanted or what you thought it would be but He will. He is a loving and faithful God. I am ashamed that I ever doubted Him and hope that my story is an encouragement to you. Whatever the prayer may be....just keep praying! He will answer. Looking back now, eight years seems like nothing. All those days and nights of worrying were wasted because God was in control the whole time!
Ask and you shall receive, so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy. John 16:24
We knew when we moved from Hallsville in 2003 that we would have to figure out a way for our kids to go to Hallsville schools. Marshall schools were not an option for us. We had decided that we would either put the boys in private school or home school before we sent them to Marshall. We found out a couple of years later that if one of us worked at Hallsville, our boys could go to school there. So, that is where our search for jobs at HISD began!
Jason and I both worked at Texas Bank & Trust in the Technology department. It was a little crazy working together but we loved it. We decided that Jason would be the one to seek employment at HISD since I had been with the bank for 8 years. He got his CDL and two weeks before Edison started Kindergarten, he got a job as a bus driver! We didn't care at that point because we had just secured Edison a spot at HISD. We were so excited. It wasn't too much longer after that, that I got a job as the high school registrar. Jason was offered a full time position as a Behavior Assistant at the high school within the month of school starting. We both loved it. Life was grand! Broke, but grand! We had cut our salaries in half to go to work for the school but being on the kids schedules and having them at Hallsville was worth it to us.
We have had some changes since then, as most of you know. Financially we had to make some changes so that I could stay at home. Jason became a fireman/paramedic and I quit to stay home with Jamison the year before he started Kindergarten and I had to drive a part time bus route to keep the boys in school. During this time, the bus route became so stressful that I didn't think I would be able to do it any longer. I decided to go back to school to become a nurse and knew that eventually I would no longer be able to drive my route. We prayed almost everyday for God to give us some direction and let us know what to do about our boys' education. This went on for 8 years altogether! There was not a day that went by that we didn't talk about it, pray about it or just get angry about it.
When Jason went through a really rough time at MFD, the school called him and offered him a job as a Behavior Assistant again. He accepted the job and was back at the school. We thought our boys' education was secure again. But, low and behold, our schools financial situation through us for a loop. They could not guarantee Jason a job for the 11-12 school year and I had been accepted to nursing school for the fall. Here we were will we keep the boys in Hallsville?! I was so sick and tired of worrying about it because of where we lived! I didn't want to talk about it or pray about it anymore. I just wanted an answer from God. Where was He? What was taking so long? Isn't 8 years of praying long enough???!
May 19th we got an answer! For the first time in history our school board decided to take out of district transfers! I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD HAPPEN! I cried as Jason read me the letter from Paula Rogers. They had decided to take transfers to help the school out financially. WOW! Who would of thought that something good could come out of our school's financial problems. Some of you may not think it is not good but for the Sutton house, we are ecstatic. This was an answer to an 8 year long prayer. I finally have peace and assurance for my boys' education and will never have to worry about it again. I will be able to fulfill a life long dream of becoming a nurse and if my husband's job is terminated because of our school's money woes, our children will not have to be uprooted from all they know.
I write all of this to let you know that God does answer prayers. It is in His time and it is perfect! Don't give up. Don't stop praying. He will give you an answer. It may not be what you wanted or what you thought it would be but He will. He is a loving and faithful God. I am ashamed that I ever doubted Him and hope that my story is an encouragement to you. Whatever the prayer may be....just keep praying! He will answer. Looking back now, eight years seems like nothing. All those days and nights of worrying were wasted because God was in control the whole time!
Ask and you shall receive, so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy. John 16:24
Monday, June 6, 2011
Bus Seven from Heaven
I couldn't believe it. I was heading to the bus and realized I had forgotten to write down the Bible verse that I wanted to use for the week. I had clearly read it in my Bible study on Monday of the week before and had it engraved in my mind, or so I thought. I had even looked at it that morning but when I was walking to the bus I drew a blank. I was frantic! Only ten minutes until all of my little varmints came hopping onto the bus looking for the new verse and what I had written on the mirror. I had to come up with something and QUICK! I could not even think. It was my last week and the verse had to be PERFECT. I was so mad at myself that I could have spit nails and the heat did not help the matter one bit.
I swiftly walked to the bus with my husband ignoring everyone in sight on a mission. I was determined to pick out a verse before I pulled down to the lineup. We hopped on the bus, grabbed the Bible, and started skimming that Bible faster than I ever had in any morning devotion ,lol! I think I read more of the Bible in that ten minutes than I had all year. Terrible, I know!
Jason picked out Peter 5:8, which talks about the devil prowling around like a roaring lion. Don't get me wrong, I like the verse, and it would have been great, but it did not quite go with what I wrote on my mirror. I had decided that I was just going to write, "God loves you", without a verse for the last week until I actually GOT to the last week. I knew the kids would be disappointed if they did not have a verse to look up. I sadly had to tell my wonderful husband that verse would not work because it really didn't correlate to, "God loves you". It would have been more for a, "Sit down and shut up", week, lol!!! So we continued flipping, searching and aha, I had it. "Jason, what is the verse about the love is patient stuff", I asked? I needed something to go with loving and not roaring like a lion! Both of us at the same time said, "Corinthians"! We found it! I read through it and it is a lot to read so Jason suggested 1 Corinthians 13:13. It was PERFECT!!!! Even better than my 1 Peter verse. So that was that. I wrote, "God Loves You" really big all across the mirror with the verse next to it. I wanted the kids to know that God does love them for who they are no matter what.
I only had to drive three days that week and one of the days I did not even have my bus. It was selected to go to Splash Kingdom with my son's UIL team. I was sad that I had to drive an old spare bus but excited that other kids were getting to ride number 7 from Heaven, as Cyndi Stump called it! I think I like that. My bus has become famous. Pretty cool! I did not get a report from her if any of the kids mentioned anything about it but I know they saw the message. So for that I was grateful!
The last week with the kids was really great. I didn't have as many kids each day because of different activities going on and parents picking them up early. This gave me some extra time to talk to kids that I normally did not get to talk to. I got to talk to two different little boys about church and how God loves them on the last day of school. They had told me that they were going to go home early but no one had picked them up so I spent the last ten minutes of the bus ride talking to them. I also got to tell most everyone on the bus that week at some time that God loves them. Although the week was EXTREMELY hot, the Lord saw me through each day and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. As each child left on that last day I said, "Have a great summer and stay out of trouble"! Each one said, "Bye, Mrs. Sutton" and some said, "I'll miss you Mrs. Sutton". It really touched my heart knowing that I touched their lives enough in the past eight weeks that they were actually going to miss me. It was bittersweet for me because there are some kids that will move and I will never see again, others are graduating and others will just simply not ride next year for various reasons. Also, I am unsure of what my future holds for driving the bus since I have been accepted into nursing school in the Fall at UT Tyler Longview. I have yet to see my schedule but find myself hoping that I will still be able to drive bus 7 from Heaven! Crazy, I know. I never thought I would say that.
God has changed me these last eight weeks and I am very grateful for that. He brought life into perspective and my mission into light. I hope that I was pleasing in His eyes by the things I said and did toward each child. My hope is that I planted a seed for each child no matter their age and hope that they begin to seek Jesus and His plan for their life. Each child has their own story and is special in God's eyes. We just have to take the time to get to know them and encourage them. However, eight weeks was not long enough. I feel that there are so many things left unsaid and things that I should have done. Why didn't I do it sooner? Why didn't I hug each child when they left that last day? Why didn't I give them something to take with them to remind them of Christ this summer? Why, Why, Why? I do not have the answers to the things left undone but Christ will see to it that each child will find His love. He used me for planting a seed and hopefully, I will be able to water that seed next year and help it grow and mature into a beautiful child of God.
I encourage you to seek and use every opportunity with each child you come in contact with. It may be the only Jesus they ever see. We are called to go out and, "make disciples of all nations" Matthew 28:19, but it has to start somewhere, right?! Well, mine started with bus 7 from Heaven and until that is fulfilled for Christs' glory, my nation is right here in Hallsville, TX at HISD on bus 7. Find your nation and go to work!
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
I swiftly walked to the bus with my husband ignoring everyone in sight on a mission. I was determined to pick out a verse before I pulled down to the lineup. We hopped on the bus, grabbed the Bible, and started skimming that Bible faster than I ever had in any morning devotion ,lol! I think I read more of the Bible in that ten minutes than I had all year. Terrible, I know!
Jason picked out Peter 5:8, which talks about the devil prowling around like a roaring lion. Don't get me wrong, I like the verse, and it would have been great, but it did not quite go with what I wrote on my mirror. I had decided that I was just going to write, "God loves you", without a verse for the last week until I actually GOT to the last week. I knew the kids would be disappointed if they did not have a verse to look up. I sadly had to tell my wonderful husband that verse would not work because it really didn't correlate to, "God loves you". It would have been more for a, "Sit down and shut up", week, lol!!! So we continued flipping, searching and aha, I had it. "Jason, what is the verse about the love is patient stuff", I asked? I needed something to go with loving and not roaring like a lion! Both of us at the same time said, "Corinthians"! We found it! I read through it and it is a lot to read so Jason suggested 1 Corinthians 13:13. It was PERFECT!!!! Even better than my 1 Peter verse. So that was that. I wrote, "God Loves You" really big all across the mirror with the verse next to it. I wanted the kids to know that God does love them for who they are no matter what.
I only had to drive three days that week and one of the days I did not even have my bus. It was selected to go to Splash Kingdom with my son's UIL team. I was sad that I had to drive an old spare bus but excited that other kids were getting to ride number 7 from Heaven, as Cyndi Stump called it! I think I like that. My bus has become famous. Pretty cool! I did not get a report from her if any of the kids mentioned anything about it but I know they saw the message. So for that I was grateful!
The last week with the kids was really great. I didn't have as many kids each day because of different activities going on and parents picking them up early. This gave me some extra time to talk to kids that I normally did not get to talk to. I got to talk to two different little boys about church and how God loves them on the last day of school. They had told me that they were going to go home early but no one had picked them up so I spent the last ten minutes of the bus ride talking to them. I also got to tell most everyone on the bus that week at some time that God loves them. Although the week was EXTREMELY hot, the Lord saw me through each day and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. As each child left on that last day I said, "Have a great summer and stay out of trouble"! Each one said, "Bye, Mrs. Sutton" and some said, "I'll miss you Mrs. Sutton". It really touched my heart knowing that I touched their lives enough in the past eight weeks that they were actually going to miss me. It was bittersweet for me because there are some kids that will move and I will never see again, others are graduating and others will just simply not ride next year for various reasons. Also, I am unsure of what my future holds for driving the bus since I have been accepted into nursing school in the Fall at UT Tyler Longview. I have yet to see my schedule but find myself hoping that I will still be able to drive bus 7 from Heaven! Crazy, I know. I never thought I would say that.
God has changed me these last eight weeks and I am very grateful for that. He brought life into perspective and my mission into light. I hope that I was pleasing in His eyes by the things I said and did toward each child. My hope is that I planted a seed for each child no matter their age and hope that they begin to seek Jesus and His plan for their life. Each child has their own story and is special in God's eyes. We just have to take the time to get to know them and encourage them. However, eight weeks was not long enough. I feel that there are so many things left unsaid and things that I should have done. Why didn't I do it sooner? Why didn't I hug each child when they left that last day? Why didn't I give them something to take with them to remind them of Christ this summer? Why, Why, Why? I do not have the answers to the things left undone but Christ will see to it that each child will find His love. He used me for planting a seed and hopefully, I will be able to water that seed next year and help it grow and mature into a beautiful child of God.
I encourage you to seek and use every opportunity with each child you come in contact with. It may be the only Jesus they ever see. We are called to go out and, "make disciples of all nations" Matthew 28:19, but it has to start somewhere, right?! Well, mine started with bus 7 from Heaven and until that is fulfilled for Christs' glory, my nation is right here in Hallsville, TX at HISD on bus 7. Find your nation and go to work!
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Bring on the Heat
Well, it's official, summer is here! With that comes sweat, stinky kids, heat and snappy bus drivers, lol! The cool days of May are gone and the real Texas summer has begun. Last week will be NOTHING compared to the heat of the last three days of school. But we WILL make it! I can't believe the school year is coming to a close. I don't know about everybody else, but this school year FLEW by leaving me wondering what the heck?! Before beginning the last week of my bus route for this year, I will share a couple of things with you from week 7.
I chose Romans 3:23 for the verse of the week because I have something a little different and special that I am going to do this week and I just wanted to prepare the kids for it. Romans 3:23 basically tells us that none of us are perfect. I wanted to let the kids know that just because I am the bus driver and always seem to be perfect (lol) that I am not. I wanted to let them know that just because they get in trouble sometimes or don't always make the right choices that they are still loved and still have the opportunity to redeem themselves.
The two things that stuck out for the week was little Caden wanting me to read the Bible to him again. He is just so sweet and is always the first to tell me when someone is not acting kindly. He just makes me smile and I wish all of you had the chance to meet him. The other thing that happened was about half way through the week one of the Intermediate boys came up behind me and quoted the verse, word for word, without even picking up the Bible. I was very impressed. He attends Woodland Hills Baptist Church and is a part of their Awana program. The program has kids memorize scripture weekly along with other fun activities. This was a great example of how this program is changing hearts and lives with scripture. No other big things happened like in the previous weeks but it was good. There was not any bad news and I felt like I was still building bigger and better relationships with the kids.
I do have to say though, the heat is about to KILL me! From year to year, I keep wondering how I will make it through the heat. By the end of each route, my shirt is soaked, feet are swollen, no makeup is left, I smell like a dog and my legs are stuck to the seat, lol! I am sure that I am sight to behold. But last week... I was ALSO happy. This is a huge change and I like the new me. I hope that the kids have seen the change and realize that I also have sinned and fallen short and that I am not perfect. However, I am trying to redeem myself for the last few years of not being a good leader, a good example and just someone to talk to. Taking the focus off of myself and onto the kids has made a HUGE impact on my life, my attitude and my walk with Christ. I have had to depend on Him fully to get me through this and He has provided the strength. I am just praying that He likes the heat too because that little fan on my bus is NOT going to be enough to get me through the next three days!
I hope that this weeks blog will be an encouragement to you wherever you are in your walk with Christ. We are all sinners and we all have shortcomings. He just wants us to realize that, pick ourselves up, look to Him, lean on Him and never look back. Take a look in the mirror this week and see what is going on in your life that needs to be handed over to Him. He will meet you there and get you through it as long as you are willing to make the change and accept His love and help. Our God is an awesome God. I know if he can get me through driving a school bus for four years, the possibilities are endless of what He can do in all areas of our lives. Trust Him, listen to Him, and make that change. Your life will be blessed beyond measure.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
I chose Romans 3:23 for the verse of the week because I have something a little different and special that I am going to do this week and I just wanted to prepare the kids for it. Romans 3:23 basically tells us that none of us are perfect. I wanted to let the kids know that just because I am the bus driver and always seem to be perfect (lol) that I am not. I wanted to let them know that just because they get in trouble sometimes or don't always make the right choices that they are still loved and still have the opportunity to redeem themselves.
The two things that stuck out for the week was little Caden wanting me to read the Bible to him again. He is just so sweet and is always the first to tell me when someone is not acting kindly. He just makes me smile and I wish all of you had the chance to meet him. The other thing that happened was about half way through the week one of the Intermediate boys came up behind me and quoted the verse, word for word, without even picking up the Bible. I was very impressed. He attends Woodland Hills Baptist Church and is a part of their Awana program. The program has kids memorize scripture weekly along with other fun activities. This was a great example of how this program is changing hearts and lives with scripture. No other big things happened like in the previous weeks but it was good. There was not any bad news and I felt like I was still building bigger and better relationships with the kids.
I do have to say though, the heat is about to KILL me! From year to year, I keep wondering how I will make it through the heat. By the end of each route, my shirt is soaked, feet are swollen, no makeup is left, I smell like a dog and my legs are stuck to the seat, lol! I am sure that I am sight to behold. But last week... I was ALSO happy. This is a huge change and I like the new me. I hope that the kids have seen the change and realize that I also have sinned and fallen short and that I am not perfect. However, I am trying to redeem myself for the last few years of not being a good leader, a good example and just someone to talk to. Taking the focus off of myself and onto the kids has made a HUGE impact on my life, my attitude and my walk with Christ. I have had to depend on Him fully to get me through this and He has provided the strength. I am just praying that He likes the heat too because that little fan on my bus is NOT going to be enough to get me through the next three days!
I hope that this weeks blog will be an encouragement to you wherever you are in your walk with Christ. We are all sinners and we all have shortcomings. He just wants us to realize that, pick ourselves up, look to Him, lean on Him and never look back. Take a look in the mirror this week and see what is going on in your life that needs to be handed over to Him. He will meet you there and get you through it as long as you are willing to make the change and accept His love and help. Our God is an awesome God. I know if he can get me through driving a school bus for four years, the possibilities are endless of what He can do in all areas of our lives. Trust Him, listen to Him, and make that change. Your life will be blessed beyond measure.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Note that Touched My Heart

In a previous post, I told you about a child that yelled out some horrible words on the bus. He got written up twice that week and I had to be very stern with him. I thought he would never talk to me again. However, last Wednesday on his way off the bus he handed me this handwritten note. I was shocked! I had been saying, "Hi" to each student as they got on the bus, talked with them while we were driving home and then said, "Bye" as they got off. I knew that they were responding well to it but this really touched my heart when he gave me the note. He has not been in trouble since I started talking to them either. A little attention goes a long way, especially with kids that don't get any when they get home. Just saying, "Hi", to this child and asking him about his day has made a major impact on him. So much that he took time out of his day, thought about me, wrote me a note and changed his actions on the bus.
I will be keeping this note as a reminder of how I should treat others, not only on my bus route, but at home and everywhere I go. Instead of working on something at home while my kids are trying to talk to me, I am going to stop what I am doing. I am going to look at them and LISTEN to what they have to say. That is all they want, our undivided attention. I have learned a valuable lesson this past week and I hope that I never forget it. I encourage you to stop all the hustle and bustle around you and listen to your children. Sit down and just listen. They need it and so do we. It is making a major impact on them, whether they write you a note or not. They are feeling your love and will love you for it.
I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other. John 13:34-35
Monday, May 16, 2011
One foot, One Day
I have always heard people say, "Do you want the good news or the bad news first"? Well today, you are only getting the good news. This blog is intended to lift you up and the bad news will only bring you down. So why focus on the bad, when there is so much good to tell you about! This past week has been the best of Bible of the Bus, thus far. I went into week 5 with a new attitude after being so tired last week. I made it a goal to greet each child, talk to them about their days, and be patient. So this is how is went...
Each day before they let the kids go or right before I got on my bus, I said a prayer and asked for patience, opportunities to connect and for protection from Satan for the ride home. As I waited for the kids, I sat and talked with my husband about our days and he would just throw something out the window to various bus drivers because he is silly like that, lol! We tooted the horns and here they came. I greeted each kid with a, "Hi!", "What's up?", "How was your day?", "Smile!", or even a "Give me five dude"! They loved it. Each kid responded with a, "Hi Mrs. Sutton", a grin, a giggle or just gave me five. As they all sat down, I got up and went and talked to each of them about their day. We usually have about 5 to 10 minutes to wait before we can pull out and go to the other campuses so I chose to use this time to talk to the K-2nd graders. They were pulling stuff out of their folders to show me, telling me about what they had done during the day or what they were going to do when they got home. They LOVED the attention. This is when I also took the time each day to tell them what I expected of them on the ride. To my surprise, they were very responsive. As we went along to each campus, I followed the same thing with greeting each child. I could not get up and talk to them about their day but I was able to greet each one. EVERY child said something back to me, even the high school kids. I was feeling pretty good about it.
On Monday, the kids read the verse and looked through the Bible as usual and asked me some questions about the verse. Tuesday did not result in anymore questions but it was a good route and lots of good conversations. Wednesday, however, was the best day so far. While we were waiting to head off to Intermediate, one of the boys came up to look at the Bible that had not mentioned anything about it before. After talking about the verse, he told me he wanted to be saved! Then another little boy come up and said the same thing! I was almost in tears. I was so excited. I immediately started asking them questions about where they went to church, did they know what it meant to be saved, had they talked to anyone about it before, and so on. We didn't have much time because we were about to pull out. I had to tell them to sit down and the little boy says, "But Mrs. Sutton, I want to hear more about God". I almost pulled my bus over right then and there but I knew I could not do that. I told him just to sit behind me and ask whatever he wanted. Me and the two little boys had a great conversation and I told them the ABC's of becoming a Christian. They told me that they were going to Awana's that night at Woodland Hills Baptist Church and I told them to find an adult or someone there and let them know what we talked about. I just want to stop right here and give a big shout out to Woodland Hills for their great service in picking these kids up every Sunday and Wednesday night also. Without your service, these children would not be able to go to church! I couldn't wait to get off the bus and tell Jason about what had happened. He said, "Well, I know what you are posting about next week". He was right. I almost blogged about it that day but decided to wait.
Thursday was not as exciting as Wednesday but I greeted the kids and talked with them again. Then here comes Friday! Things were going about the same and I had picked up all the kids. We were pulling up to the Hwy 450 stop and I noticed 4 kids standing and waving at the bus in front of us. They were just being silly, waving at all the kids and thinking they were better for not having to ride the bus or something. So I had a Jason moment and decided to do something a little silly myself. I yelled at all the kids on my bus, "Everybody get up and stick your head out the window and wave at those kids"! All the kids hopped up and started waving and I started honking the horn as loud as I could and waving at these four boys. They looked at us like we were crazy and kinda stopped waving. We pulled out on 450 honking, waving and laughing. It was hilarious. I wish you could have seen the look on those four boys' faces. It was priceless. I bet they wished they were riding on number 7 that afternoon because we were having a blast! It was a great ride all the way home. We talked and laughed. I actually had a fun bus route. Did I just say that?! I admit it. It was fun. So fun, that it was the first thing I told Jason about. I felt like I was finally starting to build some real relationships with these kids. However, I know all that can change when I get on the bus today, lol. But what I do know is that it was a great week.
I saw God move this week on the bus. I can only imagine what it would be like if I had started this four years ago. I decided last week to just put one foot in front of the other, one day at a time and I saw progress. I have to stop wishing my life away and just slow down and enjoy each and every moment. By taking it one step at a time and putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time, I am positive that I will see God continue to move and won't miss the blessings that are right in front of me. I encourage you to slow down this week, listen to God, and just put one foot in front of the other and see what He has waiting for you to discover!
By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. Hebrews 11:3
Each day before they let the kids go or right before I got on my bus, I said a prayer and asked for patience, opportunities to connect and for protection from Satan for the ride home. As I waited for the kids, I sat and talked with my husband about our days and he would just throw something out the window to various bus drivers because he is silly like that, lol! We tooted the horns and here they came. I greeted each kid with a, "Hi!", "What's up?", "How was your day?", "Smile!", or even a "Give me five dude"! They loved it. Each kid responded with a, "Hi Mrs. Sutton", a grin, a giggle or just gave me five. As they all sat down, I got up and went and talked to each of them about their day. We usually have about 5 to 10 minutes to wait before we can pull out and go to the other campuses so I chose to use this time to talk to the K-2nd graders. They were pulling stuff out of their folders to show me, telling me about what they had done during the day or what they were going to do when they got home. They LOVED the attention. This is when I also took the time each day to tell them what I expected of them on the ride. To my surprise, they were very responsive. As we went along to each campus, I followed the same thing with greeting each child. I could not get up and talk to them about their day but I was able to greet each one. EVERY child said something back to me, even the high school kids. I was feeling pretty good about it.
On Monday, the kids read the verse and looked through the Bible as usual and asked me some questions about the verse. Tuesday did not result in anymore questions but it was a good route and lots of good conversations. Wednesday, however, was the best day so far. While we were waiting to head off to Intermediate, one of the boys came up to look at the Bible that had not mentioned anything about it before. After talking about the verse, he told me he wanted to be saved! Then another little boy come up and said the same thing! I was almost in tears. I was so excited. I immediately started asking them questions about where they went to church, did they know what it meant to be saved, had they talked to anyone about it before, and so on. We didn't have much time because we were about to pull out. I had to tell them to sit down and the little boy says, "But Mrs. Sutton, I want to hear more about God". I almost pulled my bus over right then and there but I knew I could not do that. I told him just to sit behind me and ask whatever he wanted. Me and the two little boys had a great conversation and I told them the ABC's of becoming a Christian. They told me that they were going to Awana's that night at Woodland Hills Baptist Church and I told them to find an adult or someone there and let them know what we talked about. I just want to stop right here and give a big shout out to Woodland Hills for their great service in picking these kids up every Sunday and Wednesday night also. Without your service, these children would not be able to go to church! I couldn't wait to get off the bus and tell Jason about what had happened. He said, "Well, I know what you are posting about next week". He was right. I almost blogged about it that day but decided to wait.
Thursday was not as exciting as Wednesday but I greeted the kids and talked with them again. Then here comes Friday! Things were going about the same and I had picked up all the kids. We were pulling up to the Hwy 450 stop and I noticed 4 kids standing and waving at the bus in front of us. They were just being silly, waving at all the kids and thinking they were better for not having to ride the bus or something. So I had a Jason moment and decided to do something a little silly myself. I yelled at all the kids on my bus, "Everybody get up and stick your head out the window and wave at those kids"! All the kids hopped up and started waving and I started honking the horn as loud as I could and waving at these four boys. They looked at us like we were crazy and kinda stopped waving. We pulled out on 450 honking, waving and laughing. It was hilarious. I wish you could have seen the look on those four boys' faces. It was priceless. I bet they wished they were riding on number 7 that afternoon because we were having a blast! It was a great ride all the way home. We talked and laughed. I actually had a fun bus route. Did I just say that?! I admit it. It was fun. So fun, that it was the first thing I told Jason about. I felt like I was finally starting to build some real relationships with these kids. However, I know all that can change when I get on the bus today, lol. But what I do know is that it was a great week.
I saw God move this week on the bus. I can only imagine what it would be like if I had started this four years ago. I decided last week to just put one foot in front of the other, one day at a time and I saw progress. I have to stop wishing my life away and just slow down and enjoy each and every moment. By taking it one step at a time and putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time, I am positive that I will see God continue to move and won't miss the blessings that are right in front of me. I encourage you to slow down this week, listen to God, and just put one foot in front of the other and see what He has waiting for you to discover!
By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. Hebrews 11:3
Friday, May 13, 2011
Tear Jerker
Last summer we went to Tennessee for an extended vacation. We wanted to make it sort of a mission trip since we could not afford to go out of the country or anything. Since I am a big couponer and get lots of free stuff, we decided to make goody bags with basic essentials and also a print out of the gospel to take with us. We gave them out to homeless people we saw along the way on our trip. It was awesome to see their face light up when they opened their bags! The boys LOVED it and wanted to do it again. I say all this to say, that this vacation inspired my youngest son more than I could have ever imagined. As I mentioned in a previous post, we had a garage sale and Jamison wanted to take part of the money and buy Bibles. He said he wanted to give them to homeless people when we went on trips again. I was thrilled at his idea so we went to Mardel and got 10 Bibles. Edison got five and Jamsion got five. We told them that they could use them however they saw fit. They both took their Bibles and wrote a little note in the front of them. The Bibles then went to my office and had been there up until a couple of months ago...
Jamison's best friend, Corbin, got also saved a couple of months ago and was so excited! He started bringing his Bible to school, so of course Jamison had to start bringing his also. They would look at them together at lunch. The next think I know, I am getting an email from their teacher. She tells me that Jamsion and Corbin make her cry every Friday because they had started taking their Bibles on the playground and reading them. The email stated that it had started out as just Jamison and Corbin but had now grown to about six kids. She said that I had a missionary on my hands. The boys were inviting others to join in with them in their "Bible study time". I was in tears. My son and his best friend had started their own Bible Book Club, or so they called it. This is where the Bibles come into play.
I asked Jamison about the Bible Book Club after I got the email. He told me all about it and was so proud of it. He asked me if he could take his five Bibles to school for the Bible Book Club because there were some kids that did not have Bibles that they could bring to school. Wow! (My 8 year old son was doing something that I should have already been doing on my bus). So of course I said yes and he took them the next day. His teacher gave him and Corbin a plastic bin to put the Bibles in to take on the playground. So each Friday and sometimes other days, the Bible Book Club meets on the Hallsville Elementary playground for ten minutes or so. From what Jamison tells me, they read a few verses and then go play. How awesome is that?! Two eight year old boys with a heart for Jesus have created their own missionary field right here on one of Hallsville's school playgrounds. Who would have ever thought by making little goody bags to hand out to homeless people on vacation would have sparked such a wonderful idea in a wonderful little boy.
I am so excited to finally be posting this blog. I have been waiting on a visual for everyone and finally got it today and if this picture does not bring you to tears, then you need to search your heart. Isn't this exactly what we should all be doing? Leave it up to two little boys to open the eyes of this mama, their teachers, and everyone else reading this blog. Who says that Jesus can't be in public schools?! I hope that this blog and these two little boys inspire others to go spread the Good News. We each have our own mission field right before us. We just have to be willing to let God show us and use us for His glory. The blessings you will receive from it are unlimited. So what are you waiting for? Go share Jesus with those in your mission field and be blessed!
Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:19-20
Monday, May 9, 2011
Week 4: Exhaustion
Week four can be wrapped up in one word, "EXHAUSTION"! My planner was full from top to bottom each day and then some. I knew Mother's Day was coming up but was not prepared for all of the Scentsy orders that I would be filling. It was almost worse than Christmas but I was thankful for them all at the same time. On top of that I was studying all week for a final that I have tomorrow, my husband started a new job at the hospital, I had to clean house, go to school, prepare for small group and several other small errands. I was overwhelmed to say the least and I do believe it has been the busiest week of 2011 for me. After the hustle and bustle of all that was going on during the day, I then had to rush to the bus and endure the 45 minute zoo in a cage! By the end of the week, I was beat down!
I had high hopes for week 4 and I have to say it was better than week 3 but not any significant changes. I was able to read out of the Bible again and was asked several questions about the verse, which is always a step forward in my eyes. I posted a verse that would help remind the kids to say positive things and be careful with their choice of words. I am proud to report that there were not any shoutings of obscene words this week. Thank the Lord for that! I say all of that to say, because of my overly busy schedule last week, my heart just wasn't in it. I did not have any strength to fight with them or yell at them by the end of the day. So, I just got very frustrated every day with them instead. Not that it was any different than any other week, I just let myself get caught up in my stuff and forgot to focus on the main goal. The main goal is to just love them like Jesus and I lost sight of that last week.
I know that all of you can identify with what I am talking about. We overly fill our planners and leave little room for Jesus and then we wonder at the end of the week what happened. We look back and scratch our heads wondering what the heck just happened and how did we get to Friday when it was just Monday! Well that was my week in a nutshell. I focused on God in the morning but as the day went on I seemed to leave Him behind dropping little pieces every place I went. I forgot to slow down and let Him catch up and by the end of the day, there was none left to give. He wants us to slow down, pick Him up and carry Him with us. We can't forget Him or leave Him at home in our Bible study book. That is a great place for Him but He has to be with us everywhere we go. If you find that you are missing Him, just stop, close your eyes, and invite Him to come along. That is my goal this week. I want to love those kids like Jesus but I can't do it unless I ask Him to come along for the ride. I hope that you will join me in taking the co-pilot seat this week and let Jesus take over the pilot seat and lead the way.
He who conceals hatred has lying lips, and he who spreads slander is a fool. Proverbs 10:18
I had high hopes for week 4 and I have to say it was better than week 3 but not any significant changes. I was able to read out of the Bible again and was asked several questions about the verse, which is always a step forward in my eyes. I posted a verse that would help remind the kids to say positive things and be careful with their choice of words. I am proud to report that there were not any shoutings of obscene words this week. Thank the Lord for that! I say all of that to say, because of my overly busy schedule last week, my heart just wasn't in it. I did not have any strength to fight with them or yell at them by the end of the day. So, I just got very frustrated every day with them instead. Not that it was any different than any other week, I just let myself get caught up in my stuff and forgot to focus on the main goal. The main goal is to just love them like Jesus and I lost sight of that last week.
I know that all of you can identify with what I am talking about. We overly fill our planners and leave little room for Jesus and then we wonder at the end of the week what happened. We look back and scratch our heads wondering what the heck just happened and how did we get to Friday when it was just Monday! Well that was my week in a nutshell. I focused on God in the morning but as the day went on I seemed to leave Him behind dropping little pieces every place I went. I forgot to slow down and let Him catch up and by the end of the day, there was none left to give. He wants us to slow down, pick Him up and carry Him with us. We can't forget Him or leave Him at home in our Bible study book. That is a great place for Him but He has to be with us everywhere we go. If you find that you are missing Him, just stop, close your eyes, and invite Him to come along. That is my goal this week. I want to love those kids like Jesus but I can't do it unless I ask Him to come along for the ride. I hope that you will join me in taking the co-pilot seat this week and let Jesus take over the pilot seat and lead the way.
He who conceals hatred has lying lips, and he who spreads slander is a fool. Proverbs 10:18
Monday, May 2, 2011
Try, Try Again
The previous two weeks of excitement, new beginnings and building new relationships had me going into week three with great anticipation. I was ready to conquer the world but little did I know that Satan would attack by the end of week 3.
The first day started out GREAT! I put the new verse on the mirror, John 11:25. As I sat with Jason on my bus waiting for the kids, I was so excited. I just knew how great this week was going to be and hoped that new doors may be opened to the kids that hadn't said anything about it yet. As the kids piled onto the bus that day, I didn't feel the same excitement from them that I had the two prior weeks, but little Caden noticed first thing when he got on and asked me to read the verse to him out of the Bible! That really got my hopes us. It was so awesome being able to read to him from the Bible and explain the verse to him. I don't know if he likes the verses more of just me spending time with him. Either way, I am getting to share Jesus with him. The two boys that sit behind me also noticed the verse and read from the Bible again. And at the end of the route the same girls came up and grabbed the Bible and read from it again. We always get a little more time to talk because everyone else is off of the bus by then. But I was a little disappointed because it was the same people that I have been able to talk to for the last two weeks. Why hadn't God opened the door for me to talk to anyone new today? I still had hope, there were still four more days.
As the week went on, no one else really asked about the verse, other than the occasional question about when I was going to change it again. I was glad they were wanting more and I was excited to give them more. I was just a little sad that no one knew had said anything about it. However, I did have one high school boy get on my bus on Wednesday and opened up a conversation as he was walking up the steps to the bus. It was just casual conversation but he had never talked to me before. I went home and told Jason about it because I was pretty hyped about a high school kid wanting to make conversation with me for the first time this year. Not sure if it had anything to do with the verses or not but God was definitely trying to open the door. Thursday and Friday yielded the same thing. The teenage boy started up conversations with me on both days. We talked about school and his weekend plans. It felt great talking to him and I hope that this will open up opportunities before the end of the school year to share Jesus with him. This was AWESOME! I realized that sometimes relationships have to be built before someone will open up to you and want to hear about Jesus. This is my hope for the students on the bus that haven't said anything yet. I hope that God will allow an open door for me to build a relationship with them so that I can share Jesus with them.
Don't think for one minute that everything always goes that smooth on the bus though! I had my share of Satan this week and I did not like it one bit I tell you, not one! I had a first grader lash out with calling a girl the "P" word. Sorry, you'll have to guess if you don't know because it can not be repeated and made me sick to my stomach to hear coming out of his mouth. I could not believe my ears. Then the other kids were shouting, "He said ...." and all of them were shouting it out loud. What had happened? Everything was going so smooth and one little word had to wreck it all. The student told me he had heard it from his uncle and did not even know what it meant. Satan STAY OFF OF MY BUS! DO NOT ENTER THESE DOORS! YOU SHALL NOT PASS! This will be my prayer each day before I get on the bus the rest of the year. I have been praying for my sanity and for the kids but never thought about praying for Satan. But this will be my new prayer because I am tired of him bothering our ride every afternoon and I won't let him destroy what the Lord is trying to do.
It was a hard week but we got through it and I know that the Lord has great plans for the afternoon ride on #7! I just know it. He taught me through the trials this week to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). It can be a huge challenge, especially when the kids say things they shouldn't be saying. I do realize though that they are sometimes just innocent bystanders and are only doing things they have been accustomed to or taught by things they have seen. All the more reason for me to love them just as God loves me. Where else will they get it? I have to be strong and follow through with God's plan. So I ask that everyone reading this blog, please pray for the children on my bus, and every bus for the matter, and that I can be strong and be who they need me to be. God has great plans and I am determined to not let Satan get the best of #7, if it is the last thing I do. Pray on prayer warriors, pray on.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies". John 11:25
The first day started out GREAT! I put the new verse on the mirror, John 11:25. As I sat with Jason on my bus waiting for the kids, I was so excited. I just knew how great this week was going to be and hoped that new doors may be opened to the kids that hadn't said anything about it yet. As the kids piled onto the bus that day, I didn't feel the same excitement from them that I had the two prior weeks, but little Caden noticed first thing when he got on and asked me to read the verse to him out of the Bible! That really got my hopes us. It was so awesome being able to read to him from the Bible and explain the verse to him. I don't know if he likes the verses more of just me spending time with him. Either way, I am getting to share Jesus with him. The two boys that sit behind me also noticed the verse and read from the Bible again. And at the end of the route the same girls came up and grabbed the Bible and read from it again. We always get a little more time to talk because everyone else is off of the bus by then. But I was a little disappointed because it was the same people that I have been able to talk to for the last two weeks. Why hadn't God opened the door for me to talk to anyone new today? I still had hope, there were still four more days.
As the week went on, no one else really asked about the verse, other than the occasional question about when I was going to change it again. I was glad they were wanting more and I was excited to give them more. I was just a little sad that no one knew had said anything about it. However, I did have one high school boy get on my bus on Wednesday and opened up a conversation as he was walking up the steps to the bus. It was just casual conversation but he had never talked to me before. I went home and told Jason about it because I was pretty hyped about a high school kid wanting to make conversation with me for the first time this year. Not sure if it had anything to do with the verses or not but God was definitely trying to open the door. Thursday and Friday yielded the same thing. The teenage boy started up conversations with me on both days. We talked about school and his weekend plans. It felt great talking to him and I hope that this will open up opportunities before the end of the school year to share Jesus with him. This was AWESOME! I realized that sometimes relationships have to be built before someone will open up to you and want to hear about Jesus. This is my hope for the students on the bus that haven't said anything yet. I hope that God will allow an open door for me to build a relationship with them so that I can share Jesus with them.
Don't think for one minute that everything always goes that smooth on the bus though! I had my share of Satan this week and I did not like it one bit I tell you, not one! I had a first grader lash out with calling a girl the "P" word. Sorry, you'll have to guess if you don't know because it can not be repeated and made me sick to my stomach to hear coming out of his mouth. I could not believe my ears. Then the other kids were shouting, "He said ...." and all of them were shouting it out loud. What had happened? Everything was going so smooth and one little word had to wreck it all. The student told me he had heard it from his uncle and did not even know what it meant. Satan STAY OFF OF MY BUS! DO NOT ENTER THESE DOORS! YOU SHALL NOT PASS! This will be my prayer each day before I get on the bus the rest of the year. I have been praying for my sanity and for the kids but never thought about praying for Satan. But this will be my new prayer because I am tired of him bothering our ride every afternoon and I won't let him destroy what the Lord is trying to do.
It was a hard week but we got through it and I know that the Lord has great plans for the afternoon ride on #7! I just know it. He taught me through the trials this week to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). It can be a huge challenge, especially when the kids say things they shouldn't be saying. I do realize though that they are sometimes just innocent bystanders and are only doing things they have been accustomed to or taught by things they have seen. All the more reason for me to love them just as God loves me. Where else will they get it? I have to be strong and follow through with God's plan. So I ask that everyone reading this blog, please pray for the children on my bus, and every bus for the matter, and that I can be strong and be who they need me to be. God has great plans and I am determined to not let Satan get the best of #7, if it is the last thing I do. Pray on prayer warriors, pray on.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies". John 11:25
Monday, April 25, 2011
Shine Your Light
Week one was such a success that I had my doubts about week two. I wanted a verse that the kids could relate to and also one that would be easy to explain, which is my doubt stepping all over me again. I am stepping out of my comfort zone tip toeing but at least I am stepping, right?! Anyways, I chose a verse that I use for my Scentsy business. I put it on all of my light bulb flyers and try to live by it whether I am working, driving a bus or shopping at Wal-Mart and we all know that we need Jesus with us to make it through Wal-Mart!! I could hardly wait to get on the bus that afternoon and put the new verse reference on the mirror. The kids couldn't wait either. They had bugged me the whole prior week saying, "Mrs. Sutton when are you going to change the verse? We are ready for a new verse Mrs. Sutton. How many more days Mrs. Sutton?" I told them I was giving them a week to ponder on the first one and to learn it by heart and then we would move on to the next one. So I couldn't wait to see who noticed that I changed it and if I would get the same reaction.
Here they came, running instead of walking, as usual. Why is that? Why do kids have to run everywhere they go?! Teachers yelling, "STOP RUNNING!" and the whole time they just keep on running like there is no tomorrow. I just wish I had an ounce of their energy. Anyways, back to the story. They all hopped on the bus ready for the hot and stinky ride home. I didn't say a word and just watched them jumping on the seats, raising the windows up and down, hitting their siblings, pulling their homework out to show others, eating snacks left from lunch (which is a no no on the bus) and then they saw it. "Mrs. Sutton put a new verse on the mirror" little Caden shouted! "What is it, Mrs. Sutton" he asked?
By this time, the buses were ready to pull out. Bus 49 came over the radio, "We're all in Mrs. Sissy". Sissy replied, "Everybody have a safe trip and let's go number one". This is our everyday routine and then we all file out, buses one through fifty, each bus last in the row honking for the next row to head out. This is quite a site from what my mom tells me. She always picks up my boys from school and gets to the Elementary about the time we are pulling out. She said one day they just watched in amazement as each bus pulled out, while the others rows waited patiently on their signaling honk to go. It is definitely a sort of organized chaos! However, on this day, I didn't see the other buses. I did not hear the chaos of all of the chatter on the radio about missing kids or kids getting on the wrong bus. I just heard the small little voice behind me longing to know more about the verse on the mirror. My heart was crying out to God, thanking Him for another opportunity to serve Him and to show love to this child. I told him that we would wait for the others to get on the bus so that we could talk about it together.
The other campuses were loaded and the two boys that sit behind me noticed that I changed the verse as well. Immediately, they got the Bible and read the verse out loud. I asked if they knew what the verse meant and what the "light" was referring to in the verse. They could not figure it out so I preceded to tell them who the Light was and what it meant to not hide it. They began telling me where they go to church and that they learn Bible verses at church but somehow these children didn't know what the Light was. I was so glad I got to tell them. At the end of the route, the same little girls came up to the front and picked up the Bible and read the verse. They also, did not really understand it so again I was able to talk to them and try my very best to explain the Light. The girls decided to go to the back and have their brother look up the verse from last week so they could read it again.
The week was great and much like the first. However, I did get a chance to also hand out invitations to an Easter egg hunt we were having at our church. The kids all smiled and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Sutton"! It was like I had given them a big present or something. It was just me extending an invitation that was pre-printed at our church but the kids were overwhelmed with excitement that I would actually want them to come to something. Had I really been that distant and unloving over the past four years? Had I not been concerned about them at all? Had I not even given one bit of positive attention to these Jesus hungry children? How many opportunities had I missed to share Jesus and how can I ever make up for all of the lost time?
This week was very humbling and very eye opening to the daily rut of poor pitiful me that I had let take over my life. I had missed opportunity after opportunity to love these children, care for these children, give attention to these children and most of all to be a light for the Lord. All I could do was ask the Lord for His forgiveness and for Him to help me be a better servant for Him. I know that I am not the only one that gets caught up in "woe is me". It took me four years to realize it but God was still there and willing to show me the way. Don't be afraid to get out of your rut and trust Him fully. God has great plans for you! Take it from the doubtful school bus driver that didn't think a simple verse could change her whole outlook on life and going from hating my job to being excited to drive a school bus. Trust Him today, move forward and don't ever look back. Great things are ahead!
Can't wait to see what is store for week 3!
Now no one after lighting a lamp covers it over with a container, or puts it under a bed; but he puts it on a lamp stand, so that those who come in may see the light. Luke 8:16
Here they came, running instead of walking, as usual. Why is that? Why do kids have to run everywhere they go?! Teachers yelling, "STOP RUNNING!" and the whole time they just keep on running like there is no tomorrow. I just wish I had an ounce of their energy. Anyways, back to the story. They all hopped on the bus ready for the hot and stinky ride home. I didn't say a word and just watched them jumping on the seats, raising the windows up and down, hitting their siblings, pulling their homework out to show others, eating snacks left from lunch (which is a no no on the bus) and then they saw it. "Mrs. Sutton put a new verse on the mirror" little Caden shouted! "What is it, Mrs. Sutton" he asked?
By this time, the buses were ready to pull out. Bus 49 came over the radio, "We're all in Mrs. Sissy". Sissy replied, "Everybody have a safe trip and let's go number one". This is our everyday routine and then we all file out, buses one through fifty, each bus last in the row honking for the next row to head out. This is quite a site from what my mom tells me. She always picks up my boys from school and gets to the Elementary about the time we are pulling out. She said one day they just watched in amazement as each bus pulled out, while the others rows waited patiently on their signaling honk to go. It is definitely a sort of organized chaos! However, on this day, I didn't see the other buses. I did not hear the chaos of all of the chatter on the radio about missing kids or kids getting on the wrong bus. I just heard the small little voice behind me longing to know more about the verse on the mirror. My heart was crying out to God, thanking Him for another opportunity to serve Him and to show love to this child. I told him that we would wait for the others to get on the bus so that we could talk about it together.
The other campuses were loaded and the two boys that sit behind me noticed that I changed the verse as well. Immediately, they got the Bible and read the verse out loud. I asked if they knew what the verse meant and what the "light" was referring to in the verse. They could not figure it out so I preceded to tell them who the Light was and what it meant to not hide it. They began telling me where they go to church and that they learn Bible verses at church but somehow these children didn't know what the Light was. I was so glad I got to tell them. At the end of the route, the same little girls came up to the front and picked up the Bible and read the verse. They also, did not really understand it so again I was able to talk to them and try my very best to explain the Light. The girls decided to go to the back and have their brother look up the verse from last week so they could read it again.
The week was great and much like the first. However, I did get a chance to also hand out invitations to an Easter egg hunt we were having at our church. The kids all smiled and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Sutton"! It was like I had given them a big present or something. It was just me extending an invitation that was pre-printed at our church but the kids were overwhelmed with excitement that I would actually want them to come to something. Had I really been that distant and unloving over the past four years? Had I not been concerned about them at all? Had I not even given one bit of positive attention to these Jesus hungry children? How many opportunities had I missed to share Jesus and how can I ever make up for all of the lost time?
This week was very humbling and very eye opening to the daily rut of poor pitiful me that I had let take over my life. I had missed opportunity after opportunity to love these children, care for these children, give attention to these children and most of all to be a light for the Lord. All I could do was ask the Lord for His forgiveness and for Him to help me be a better servant for Him. I know that I am not the only one that gets caught up in "woe is me". It took me four years to realize it but God was still there and willing to show me the way. Don't be afraid to get out of your rut and trust Him fully. God has great plans for you! Take it from the doubtful school bus driver that didn't think a simple verse could change her whole outlook on life and going from hating my job to being excited to drive a school bus. Trust Him today, move forward and don't ever look back. Great things are ahead!
Can't wait to see what is store for week 3!
Now no one after lighting a lamp covers it over with a container, or puts it under a bed; but he puts it on a lamp stand, so that those who come in may see the light. Luke 8:16
One Simple Verse
A few months ago we had a garage sale to get rid of some stuff before moving back to Marshall. It went great and we made a little extra change. Over Sunday lunch at my mom's house, Jason and I were discussing how to use the money, and my youngest piped in and said, "Let's buy some Bibles with it and give them to people that don't have Bibles". Wow! Why didn't we think of that?! Well, because sometimes we are always focused on our needs instead of others. It took the faith of a child to remind us of what we should really be doing and that is spreading the good news. It was very humbling to say the least. So we took some of the garage sale money, went to Mardel and bought ten Bibles. The boys each got five to choose how they wanted to use them or who to give them to. Jamison used five of the Bibles, which I will write about later and we still had five left so I decided to take one and put on my bus to go along with my husband's brilliant idea.
I never imagined in my wildest dreams that my husband's simple idea would totally transform my attitude towards my bus driving adventure. Little did I know that God had bigger plans for me and the kids that I spend 45 minutes with every afternoon. So, I stepped out on a little faith and also a little bit of the "I'll prove you wrong attitude" and I wrote the verse John 3:16 on my mirror. I also placed the Bible on my dashboard just in case someone wanted to actually pick it up and look up the verse or read from it. Yeah right!
The horns were honked at 3:20 letting the kids know to load up. Here they came, my little K-2 wild animals with snot, dirty faces and sweaty hands. Little did they know that I was actually glad to see them today, instead of my usual, "Sit down and be quiet"! They all got on and sat down and it wasn't a total of ten seconds and one of my little riders shouted, "Look everybody, Mrs. Sutton has John 3:16 on her mirror"! Before I knew it they were all pointing and shouting about John 3:16. I even had one little boy quote the verse word for word. I could not believe my ears! My little rugrats actually had heard of this verse and one of them even knew it by heart?! I was amazed. However, there were some that had never heard it and told me that had never been to church.
We moved on to the other campuses to pick up the other students. After everyone was on, the two boys that sit behind me said, "Hey look, she has a verse on her mirror". There was more shouting and pointing and quoting of the verse. Again, I was amazed. The boys behind me saw the Bible and I told them they could look it up to see what it said. They took the Bible, read the verse out loud and were silent. I said, "Do you know what that means"? They thought about it and weren't sure so I got to explain to them who Jesus is, why He came, and the promise He gave us. They wanted to know why I put the verse there and what I was going to do with it. I simply told them that God tells us to be a light for Him and spread His word and that is what I was trying to do.
Towards the end of the route, I had two girls come up and ask me about the verse. I told them to look it up in the Bible and see what it says. They found it but were a little unsure of the meaning even though they went to church. I got to explain the gospel a second time in one afternoon. Was this really happening? Was I really creating a relationship with the kids that I had grown to despise?
The rest of the week kids kept asking why I put the verse on the mirror and when I was going to change it. I explained to them I was going to put up a new verse every week and if they did not know it that I had a Bible they could look it up in. There was not one day that went by that week that someone didn't pick up the Bible or ask about the verse and its meaning. The kids were talking to me and I was enjoying talking to them. What a HUGE difference from just a few days ago. I can't believe I am actually saying this, but I was even looking forward to driving my bus! WHAT?! I never thought I would say that! I was even praying for my kids and I was even not as mean as usual.
God taught me a huge lesson that week. He taught me that you can't judge a book by its cover. I had grown to despise my bus route so much and some of the kids were so bad sometimes that I had labeled every kid as horrible, ungodly children that never went to church and that I would never be able to witness too. God used my husband to give me a simple idea to use one simple verse to be a light for Him and to transform my attitude, my bus route, and the relationship with the kids on my bus. This idea, this verse, this particular week, these specific kids and one bus out of 50 in one school district out of many has been transformed by one simple verse, John 3:16. This is a beginning to a new attitude, a new purpose, a new ride and a new me. I will be forever changed by this verse and it will be planted in my heart as the verse that not only changed the kids on the bus but also me and God's will for my life.
Tune in for week 2 of Bible on the Bus.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
I never imagined in my wildest dreams that my husband's simple idea would totally transform my attitude towards my bus driving adventure. Little did I know that God had bigger plans for me and the kids that I spend 45 minutes with every afternoon. So, I stepped out on a little faith and also a little bit of the "I'll prove you wrong attitude" and I wrote the verse John 3:16 on my mirror. I also placed the Bible on my dashboard just in case someone wanted to actually pick it up and look up the verse or read from it. Yeah right!
The horns were honked at 3:20 letting the kids know to load up. Here they came, my little K-2 wild animals with snot, dirty faces and sweaty hands. Little did they know that I was actually glad to see them today, instead of my usual, "Sit down and be quiet"! They all got on and sat down and it wasn't a total of ten seconds and one of my little riders shouted, "Look everybody, Mrs. Sutton has John 3:16 on her mirror"! Before I knew it they were all pointing and shouting about John 3:16. I even had one little boy quote the verse word for word. I could not believe my ears! My little rugrats actually had heard of this verse and one of them even knew it by heart?! I was amazed. However, there were some that had never heard it and told me that had never been to church.
We moved on to the other campuses to pick up the other students. After everyone was on, the two boys that sit behind me said, "Hey look, she has a verse on her mirror". There was more shouting and pointing and quoting of the verse. Again, I was amazed. The boys behind me saw the Bible and I told them they could look it up to see what it said. They took the Bible, read the verse out loud and were silent. I said, "Do you know what that means"? They thought about it and weren't sure so I got to explain to them who Jesus is, why He came, and the promise He gave us. They wanted to know why I put the verse there and what I was going to do with it. I simply told them that God tells us to be a light for Him and spread His word and that is what I was trying to do.
Towards the end of the route, I had two girls come up and ask me about the verse. I told them to look it up in the Bible and see what it says. They found it but were a little unsure of the meaning even though they went to church. I got to explain the gospel a second time in one afternoon. Was this really happening? Was I really creating a relationship with the kids that I had grown to despise?
The rest of the week kids kept asking why I put the verse on the mirror and when I was going to change it. I explained to them I was going to put up a new verse every week and if they did not know it that I had a Bible they could look it up in. There was not one day that went by that week that someone didn't pick up the Bible or ask about the verse and its meaning. The kids were talking to me and I was enjoying talking to them. What a HUGE difference from just a few days ago. I can't believe I am actually saying this, but I was even looking forward to driving my bus! WHAT?! I never thought I would say that! I was even praying for my kids and I was even not as mean as usual.
God taught me a huge lesson that week. He taught me that you can't judge a book by its cover. I had grown to despise my bus route so much and some of the kids were so bad sometimes that I had labeled every kid as horrible, ungodly children that never went to church and that I would never be able to witness too. God used my husband to give me a simple idea to use one simple verse to be a light for Him and to transform my attitude, my bus route, and the relationship with the kids on my bus. This idea, this verse, this particular week, these specific kids and one bus out of 50 in one school district out of many has been transformed by one simple verse, John 3:16. This is a beginning to a new attitude, a new purpose, a new ride and a new me. I will be forever changed by this verse and it will be planted in my heart as the verse that not only changed the kids on the bus but also me and God's will for my life.
Tune in for week 2 of Bible on the Bus.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Wheels on the Bus
The adventure started four years ago when I was called to stay at home with my youngest son, Jamsion, before he started Kindergarten. I had been working full time at the high school as the registrar and loved my job and being on the kids' schedules. However, God was definitely calling me to stay at home. But I had a dilemma, our family lived outside of the school district that our boys were attending and the only way to keep my oldest in school there was to work in the district. So after much prayer, we decided I would drive a school bus in the afternoons so that our children could still attend school there. I know, I know, most people wonder, "Why don't you just move"? Well that is a whole other story in itself. Let's just say that God has placed us in a wonderful place and we are exactly where we are supposed to be.
This is where the story begins. I left my registrar job the summer of 2007 and got my CDL to drive the bus. I was SO nervous and not very excited about my new adventure. How could God possibly want me to drive a bus?! This was not MY plan for MY life! But little did I know that four years later, I would be sharing Jesus with the kids on my bus. It has taken me this long to realize God's greater plan and to set aside my feelings toward driving the "yellow dog". I have hated this job since day one and never had any intention of driving more than one year.
The first year was literally what I considered to be Hell. How could it be any worse? Fifty kids in my care with filthy mouths, obscene gestures, stories of ungodliness at home, fighting, spitting and any other unnecessary evil you can think of! What had I done?! I prayed everyday for God to get me through each route and each and everyday He did. I have shed tears, sweat like a dog and even contracted head lice!! Yes, I said it, LICE! This experience had definitely reached it's all time low! "God what are you doing?" I would say. "Why am I doing this Lord and how can I ever do work for you on this bus Lord?" was my everyday prayer.
As the days, turned into weeks and weeks into months, before I knew it the months turned into four years. I still had not done anything for the Lord, except to complain about poor pitiful me. It was always about me and never about the Lord. Well, after four years of prayer and trying to come up with some way to reach these kids, the Lord finally gave me an idea through my wonderful husband. He said, "write John 3:16 on your mirror with a dry erase marker". "Brilliant", I thought! So simple! But, I had my doubts. Who would care if I had John 3:16 on my mirror and who would ever say anything about it?
This simple idea for this simple girl living a simple life is exactly what I needed! God doesn't expect us to use technology, glitz and glamor to shine His light. He just wants us to keep it simple and share His love. Even if it is one verse at at time. God is faithful and has shown me to never give up. After four years of prayer, He has finally given me an open door to sharing my faith with fifty kids that need my love. He has totally changed my perspective of the "yellow dog" and what it means to be a bus driver.
Tune in next week to find out what happened on week one of Bible on the Bus!
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort. He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
This is where the story begins. I left my registrar job the summer of 2007 and got my CDL to drive the bus. I was SO nervous and not very excited about my new adventure. How could God possibly want me to drive a bus?! This was not MY plan for MY life! But little did I know that four years later, I would be sharing Jesus with the kids on my bus. It has taken me this long to realize God's greater plan and to set aside my feelings toward driving the "yellow dog". I have hated this job since day one and never had any intention of driving more than one year.
The first year was literally what I considered to be Hell. How could it be any worse? Fifty kids in my care with filthy mouths, obscene gestures, stories of ungodliness at home, fighting, spitting and any other unnecessary evil you can think of! What had I done?! I prayed everyday for God to get me through each route and each and everyday He did. I have shed tears, sweat like a dog and even contracted head lice!! Yes, I said it, LICE! This experience had definitely reached it's all time low! "God what are you doing?" I would say. "Why am I doing this Lord and how can I ever do work for you on this bus Lord?" was my everyday prayer.
As the days, turned into weeks and weeks into months, before I knew it the months turned into four years. I still had not done anything for the Lord, except to complain about poor pitiful me. It was always about me and never about the Lord. Well, after four years of prayer and trying to come up with some way to reach these kids, the Lord finally gave me an idea through my wonderful husband. He said, "write John 3:16 on your mirror with a dry erase marker". "Brilliant", I thought! So simple! But, I had my doubts. Who would care if I had John 3:16 on my mirror and who would ever say anything about it?
This simple idea for this simple girl living a simple life is exactly what I needed! God doesn't expect us to use technology, glitz and glamor to shine His light. He just wants us to keep it simple and share His love. Even if it is one verse at at time. God is faithful and has shown me to never give up. After four years of prayer, He has finally given me an open door to sharing my faith with fifty kids that need my love. He has totally changed my perspective of the "yellow dog" and what it means to be a bus driver.
Tune in next week to find out what happened on week one of Bible on the Bus!
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort. He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
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