I have found a new app for my phone that I LOVE! It is called Shopkick. You open up the app and walk into stores like Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy and the list goes on. They give you "kicks" or points for walking in and you use those points to go toward gift cards for those stores! How awesome is that?! They also give you points for scanning certain items while you are in the stores. You can also link your card and earn points for items you purchase. I have had this app for a couple of weeks and have already earned enough points to get a Target gift card. You can download it here and get started today!
I will get "kicks" each time one of you signs up and starts using the app. You can then do the same and invite your friends. I am really excited about this app and know it is going to come in quite handy :) The boys love to help me in the store now and find the items we need to scan. It keeps them busy as I shop! Pretty cool if you ask me. It is a free app. Try it out!
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