Monday, February 4, 2013

Homeschool Book Fair

Well, I can't believe it is that time again.  The Homeschool Book Fair in Arlington registration is now open!  It is scheduled for May 10 and 11.  This is a GREAT place to get more information about homeschooling if you are throwing around the idea for your family or if you are a veteran homeschooler.

A great friend invited me to this two years ago when I was thinking about homeschooling and I decided to check it out.  I decided that I only needed to go one day instead of two and got up at 5 am on that Saturday and drove to Arlington and stayed until it closed!  Definitely not enough time to see everything!  It was overwhelming, but WONDERFUL!  They have TONS of booths setup with different curriculum to look at for all ages.  Even some of the people that wrote the curriculum are there for you to visit with and ask questions and see if their curriculum might be a fit for your child.  They also have brief seminars going on all day, both days, from  anything about thinking about homeschooling to how to teach your kids how to write!  I knew that day that the next time I would definitely go BOTH days!  Should have listened to my friend :)

I highly recommend this book fair!  When I left last year, I was already looking forward to going back this year.  We are even taking the boys this year so they will have some input on what they will be learning and how.  They are SUPER excited about it.

Although I did a TON of research before we started homeschooling, including but not limited to, books and various websites, the Book Fair was by far the most informative.  It definitely helped me make up my mind to homeschool.  It was very helpful seeing the 100's, if not more, people there that were homeschooling.  I found out I would not be in this alone and that all homeschoolers are not WEIRD :)

Please let me know if you are considering homeschooling your children.  I would LOVE to talk to you about it and give you some general direction.  Start with checking out the Homeschool Book Fair and giving it lots of PRAYER!  Homeschooling has drastically changed our lives and I am so thankful that we jumped in and listened to His calling for our family.  A true blessing in so many ways!

 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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